Conférence Blockchain OCDE


J’apprends au dernier moment cette conférence, difficile d’être partout à la fois. Avec un peu de chance j’y serai peut-être mercredi.

OECD Blockchain Conference

 4-5 September 2018  OECD, Paris, France

Distributed Ledgers: Opportunities and Challenges


Blockchain has the potential to transform the functioning of a wide range of industries. Its features can increase transparency and traceability, facilitate market access and improve the efficiency of transactions. Fulfilling blockchain’s potential, however, depends on the integrity of the processes and requires adequate policies and measures to unleash this potential while addressing the risks of misuse. Governments and the international community will play a significant role in shaping policy and regulatory frameworks that are aligned with the emerging challenges and foster transparent, fair and stable markets as a basis for the use of blockchain.


The OECD Blockchain Conference will provide a forum for a discussion on the benefits and risks of blockchain for our economies and societies, and on what kind of policy and regulatory frameworks are needed to unleash this potential. Over 400 participants from the public and private sectors, international community and academia will take part in the conference where high-level government officials, international experts and business representatives will share their insights on:

  • Blockchain’s potential global economic impact
  • Implications on privacy and cyber-security
  • Using blockchain to enhance inclusiveness
  • Using blockchain to promote green growth and sustainability
  • Using blockchain to strengthen governance and enforcement practices
